Romed Meirer, MD

Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast Reduction for Health Reasons or to improve Appearance

Frau mit nacktem Oberkörper, die ihre Brust mit der Hand verdeckt

Breast Reduction

Get Help when in Chronic Pain and Discomfort

A breast that is too large can not only pose an aesthetic problem but can also cause problems in the shoulder and back areas. In some cases health insurances may even partially cover the costs of the procedure (with a medical certificate). In the following sections you will find the most important information on breast reduction.

starting at € 11,000.-
Procedure Duration
approx. 3 hours
general anaesthesia
Hospital Stay
1 overnight stay in hospital
6 weeks
Work Incapacity
1 - 2 weeks, depending on the patient's occupation
Sports Abstinence
6 weeks

Why it is done

If chronic pain and discomfort due to large breasts are part of everyday life, breast reduction is a very good option. Nobody has to put up with permanent posture problems or cramps in the shoulders, neck and back due to the size of the breasts.

Breast reduction is also the right solution for macromastia (unnaturally large breasts), incorrect breast enlargements or psychological stress caused by sagging breasts.

Oberkörper einer Frau mit strichlierten Linien an der Brust
Termin vereinbaren

Surgical Methods

In plastic surgery, the following methods can be applied to perform breast reductions:

  • Lejour method (I method, mushroom method, vertical method)

    • incision under the nipple

    • up to 500 grams reduction possible

    • good breast lift, beautiful shape

  • Benelli method (O method)

    • minimal reduction of the breast through a round incision around the areolas

    • very slight and inconspicuous scarring

  • Hall Findlay

    • breast reduction by repositioning the nipple

    • no impairment of breastfeeding function and sensitivity

    • rarely used

  • T-cut (Strömbeck)

    • incision resembles an upside-down T

    • suitable for very sagging or very large breasts

    • possible impairment of breastfeeding function and breast sensitivity

  • preliminary medical examination by the general practitioner/internist

  • detailed consultation

  • discontinuation of anticoagulant medication, e.g., Aspirin, Thomapyrin or ThromboAss, at least one week before and one week after the operation

  • limitation of alcohol and nicotine

Frau mit nacktem Oberkörper, die ihre Brust mit der Hand verdeckt.
  • the procedure is usually carried out under general anaesthesia in the Hochrum Private Clinic. We recommend staying overnight as an inpatient

  • operation time is approx. 3 hours

  • during breast reduction surgery, fat tissue and mammary gland tissue is removed

  • at the end of the operation, the patient receives a sports bra

Schönheitschirurgin zeichnet strichlierte Linien unter Brüsten von Patientin
  • abstination from sports, sauna, solarium visits and refrain from lifting heavy loads for 6 weeks after the procedure

  • a special bra/sports bra needs to be worn for 6 weeks

  • after 7 days, the stiches around the nipple are removed, all other stiches are dissolvable

  • Known side effects include slight sensory disturbances in the nipples after the operation, which usually disappear after a year.

  • In very rare cases, widened scar formation may occur. Classic (short-term) consequences of surgery such as swelling and bruising are relatively common.

  • Does health insurance cover the costs of a breast reduction?

    If there is a medical reason that is confirmed by a medical report (e.g. an orthopedic report), it is possible that the health insurance company to cover at least part of the costs.